I had my first tutorial for my pollutants class an hour later, which ended up being mostly a discussion. I don't get the feeling often, but I felt like I knew a lot more about certain things than my TA. It makes me feel arrogant and uncomfortable. It gets to the point when I say in my head, "no, you're totally wrong." Unfortunately, it seemed like I was one of 2 or 3 who actually did the reading, and I dominated the conversation. Truth be told, I only skimmed the reading. However, it was pretty basic stuff. Nonetheless, it appears my tutorial is filled with incompetent students. I'm hoping they prepare better for the next one.
We have a paper to write for that class, and my group of two has now grown to four to my great dismay. It's going to be a cluster**** trying to get everyone on the same page. I would rather write a 2,500-3,000 word essay by myself than write a 6,000 word essay with three other people in such a short time. It's going to be awkward.
After I was done for the day, I went into Kardinya to get a few things at Kmart and Coles. Nothing extremely fun, but I had run out of bread and garlic toast makes my pasta dinners scrumptious. I'll have to go in again Thursday and get some more while I get fixings for more vegetarian pasties. After I got back, I shot hoops with Jesse, and because the hoops at 9 feet high (American ones are 10 feet), we couldn't hit any shots. It's absolutely ridiculous how hard it is. I can barely dunk but haven't tried to much on it. It's like suddenly being 6'10" and trying to make baskets. I don't care for it.
I didn't get much done in the evening which was disappointing. It was so damn hot last night, and I was really tired. I tried sleeping early (10:30) but couldn't fall asleep because it was so damn hot and I was coughing terribly. I finally did fall asleep but didn't sleep very well.
I didn't get much work done at all in the morning either, which was especially disappointing. I trudged off to my first of two lectures in a row with low morale. My two lectures weren't too too bad; my second professor showed up 22 minute late for a 50 minute long lecture. I was nearly out the door when he came in. He PLOWED through the slides of his talk such that it was impossible to take notes. He makes me laugh though (and no one else) which makes it all better. I'm not sure if a) he's not really funny b) I find him funny because I find his humor appealing c) I find him funny because I actually get his jokes d) everyone else just sucks at life.
After a speedy lunch, I went off to my Micro lab. We slowly went through what we were supposed to do (even though I already knew what we had to do) before finally getting into lab. I spent more time than I wanted to looking at my stupid bacteria cultures, but got out of lab by 3 which wasn't too bad. My friend Allie from SC, who works beside me, went to the beach right after lab with Greg (who's from Clark) which was fantastic. Yesterday I bought some spray sunscreen and I did my own back. I don't think I got burned at all which is really nice because there might be days when I go to the beach by myself (because usually I have someone else sunscreen my back).
Our bus driver was crazy. He was driving really fast, stopping really fast, and stopping 35 feet past the bus stop so people couldn't get on after he dropped people off because he was late or something. This was especially interesting when we first got on because the bus was crammed. We finally got to the beach at around 4:40, about 30 minutes later than I had hoped, but I was there so it didn't matter.
Greg and I wore out speedos (him for the first time) and it was really awesome. Jesse too some pictures of us and they make me giggle. Jesse took some PG-13 pictures using Greg's camera (and he still hasn't posted them yet) that cracked us up so bad. Greg has this crazy straw hat Paul (our program director) gave him that covers up his speedo if held infront of his crotch such that it looks like he's naked. It was a great time at the beach.

I have a lecture in the morning and then Jesse and I hope to spend most of the day at the beach. It should be a really good and hot day at the beach!
Tuesday: 6.5
Wednesday (Today): 7.5
The Speedo getup gives a whole new meaning to "hanging out" with the wallabies.