Thursday is my best day, as I'm done at 10:30 in the morning. After a nice leisurely lunch, Jesse and I went to the beach in our speedos. En route, we met up with two of our friends who were at the bus stop. Midway to the beach, Jesse got off the bus for some Subway, which he was way too damn excited about. Jesse... LOVES Subway. It makes him the happiest person ever. On several occasions I've been talking about Subway to someone and Jesse's ears perked up.
My friends (Sarin & Crystal) and I played in the sand and water for about 40 minutes before Jesse caught up after stopping and eating at Subway. The tide coming in was really strong and climbed really far up the beach. We had to move our towels three or four times. Because the tide was really strong, I saw several dead sea creatures such as a crustacean and an echinoderm. Sarin said she saw a cnidarian of some sorts, but I didn't see it. Additionally, a ton of sea shells were being washed up which made entering and leaving the water very painful.
We came back after a little while and decided to go food shopping, but not until we had showered because the sun and salt just gets too much, even after only being at the beach for a short time. Thursday's the best day to go shopping because Coles, my favorite supermarket, is open until 9! It's pretty exciting. Australia closes everything extremely early and it's really annoying. Except for Thursdays. The load of us got a fair amount of groceries and it was quite interesting getting it all together to get the bus back to campus (which took it's sweet time getting to our stop to pick us up). It was so damn hot I just made several nutella and peanut butter sandwiches rather than cook.
After finally falling asleep through the coughing and heat, it cooled down. Mixing of cool and warm air creates thunderstorms. We got one.
Holy Baby Jesus was the thunderstorm loud! It was the loudest storm I'm ever experienced. I think it was right outside my window, because one of the lightning strikes was so damn loud I was almost scared to death. I think we got some hail and a bit of rain, but I'm not sure. Something made plenty of noise on the roof top. I went out on my balcony during the storm and it was so cool temperature wise. It was a nice change.
I woke up nice and early Friday to find my computer lacking internet access. It sucked. Apparently one of the lighting strikes hit the next flat over or another one nearby. Either way, I was without internet. You know, the really crappy internet I pay too much for? I mean seriously Australia, HOW HARD IS IT TO HAVE DECENT INTERNET? It's extremely annoying. This isn't a great start to my Friday, which is my least favorite day of the week because it's so damn long. I have two lectures (3 hours total) and then a long lab (2-3+ hours). My lab this week was no exception. Not only is it being heavily graded, but there's just so much I had to do and still have to do before I hand it in by Thursday. I'm dreading Fridays because I hate this lab so much. I just want to be done and get the hell out of there, but my professor just expects us to do so much damn stuff. It's freaking ridiculous.
After taking a very quick dip in the pool with Jesse because it was so damn hot, the entire CIEE group (in several waves) all went into Freo to meet up with Paul. Because it was a little early still, a few of us went into a microbrewery. After getting some samples, I got a tall glass of strong beer. Because it was so hot (and I was dehydrated) and I had a small lunch 6 hours before that, I'm embarrassed to say that drink hit me ESPECIALLY hard. It was quick comical even. Jesse was in the same boat as me, but my drink was at least 1.5x the size of his.
We got dinner as a group at this foot court styled place, so Paul stood in the middle of us passing out cash. It was quite interesting to see. Very buzzed and very hungry, I sifted through loads of people looking around at the different places (there were about 8 of them, 5 of them Asian cuisine) before I got some fried rice and some spring rolls. It was pretty cheap and good. Good enough to fill my belly.
After dinner, our group went to the Fremantle Prison, which was notorious for its horrible living conditions and such. It's extremely haunted and we went for a night tour. I was a little scared going in, but it was quite fun. We were told we might get pictures of weird things, such as orbs (which might be paranormal energy), but I'm not sure I really got anything good. A little ways in, in one of the main wings where the prisoners were kept, we discussed the presence of a safety net between the rows of cells to prevent people from committing suicide. Not 3 seconds after I asked the tour guide what the most common ways to commit suicide in the prison were, some asshat dropped a body from the top of the prison on top of us, following a very loud scream. I mean, yeah, the prison is haunted enough and kinda scary, but I think intentionally scaring people is stupid. We heard some good ghost stories, but after a while I wasn't scared with the exception of people jumping out at us which was unnecessary.
Paul who was meeting up with an old student during the prison tour got us all gelato which was very tasty. Most of us went back after, and I spent the evening with Greg and Jesse (and a few others here and there) drinking our wine and listening to awesome American music outside of Greg's flat. It was a really fun night to say the least.
On Saturday, I slept in a little late and got up feeling pretty crappy like usual these days. Jesse and I went into a different Target to look for stuff for my trip next week. This Target was horribly laid out and they didn't have anything I needed, so I was pretty damn disappointed. It was a total waste of time. I did however have a very good lunch of pasta and garlic toast after which kinda made up for it. Jesse and I then went to the beach by ourselves and it was a good visit. We spent most of the time in the water throwing my mini vortex football, which was filled with miraculous diving catches (but you wouldn't expect any less of me!).
I cleaned my room when I got back because it was getting a little out of hand, and I made some vegetarian pasties. I think Monday night I'm going to spend about 2 hours cooking a whole bunch of them to get me through the week when I only have a short time for lunch. Saturday night proved to be pretty disappointing because I had only 2 glasses of wine, and over the course of an entire night panned out to be a big bummer. Two glasses of wine when you're really hydrated doesn't do anything. I didn't say I wanted to get SMASHED, but you know. Oh well. I couldn't go crazy anyway because I had to wake up early for the sustainability tour I went on this morning (Sunday).
I got into Freo pretty early with my fellow environmental science kids (four of us total) and we met up with Isabella, who runs our extracurricular trips. We took a bus down to South Beach where we went on a tour of this couple's house and several cottages they had made to be extremely passive and use very little energy. It was pretty cool and I learned a few things. The other 3 Americans with me were extremely giggly the whole trip, as we were talking about crazy things we used to do in the 90s. I think one of my favorite parts is when one of our tour guides found a blue tongued lizard and we got a picture with it. We're silly. The lizard's smiling. He's silly.

Yeah I know it doesn't seem like I did a lot this weekend, but I really didn't and it's kinda sad. I have so much damn work to do this week, but I won't be going to class on Friday because that's the day I leave for my grand tour of West Australia. This week's going to be extremely crazy and I don't think I'm ready for it just yet. I better go make an awesome dinner and get a head start tonight with studying. SO EXCITED TO STUDY AND WORK ON MY GROUP PROJECT.
Thursday: 7
Friday: 8
Saturday: 6.5
Sunday (Today): 6.5
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