My Pollutants lecture on Monday was extremely hot. I don't know if the room has air conditioning, but everyone was sweating. I forgot my water bottle in my room, so I bought one... for $4 AUD because the damn machine ate my money and gave me back 10 cents worth of change. Bastard. After lecture it was decided I would wait an hour to go shopping with Jesse (once he got out of class) so I just relaxed and ate lunch. Yeah, we totally forgot it was damn labour day here in Australia, so all them shops were closed. To make matters worse, we had class on labour day, and the student village administration office WAS CLOSED even though I had to go to my damn lecture. This means I couldn't get my package that was waiting for me.
After wasting more time, Jesse, Sarin, Alice and I went to the pool. Jesse who had these awesome blisters from running had to duct tape his heels because he had them popped at the nurse's office to allow them to heal. He was hoping it'd keep them dry. So. Yeah. Jesse. My orange duct tape. His heels. It was pretty funny. Plus they didn't work. But he stayed in the pool anyway because he's a trooper.
We threw my little vortex football in the water for a while with a bunch of other kids we knew there (mostly Clark kids I think). Good times. I totally clocked one of them in the head with my elbow while jumping for the ball while we were playing 500. I'm awesome. I spent nearly two hours there which was silly because I was supposed to be studying.
I went to the library in the early evening for a little while and I came to realize I wasn't too sure I needed to be studying the few things I was trying to. I'm still not sure how I'm going to study for my classes, but I think I'll end up taking as good of notes as possible in lecture ad write out additional notes from the lectures once they're posted online. Hopefully I'll review the notes too every once in a while.
I stayed up way too late (until 2am!) talking to Alicia and writing in my other blog ( but it was worth it. Totes. I woke up on Tuesday at 8am feeling hung over, again. I talked to one of my friends at the bus stop this morning (the one who I nearly killed in the pool with my elbow) and she says she drinks a lot of water and just wakes up to go pee all the time. I think this is going to be my approach from now on, because I hate feeling so damn shitty when I get up.
Because Greg wanted to go to the beach today, I went to Kardinya at 8:30 to get my necessary shopping out of the way to free up my afternoon. I bought stuff for my Northwest trip (sleeping bag, flashlight, sunscreen, duffel bag, etc) and was pretty successful with getting everything I needed even though it took a long time to find everything. I had 6 eggs for breakfast and 2 slices of toast. It was yummy. Oh, and, yeah, finally got my package. I lost my packing slip in Kmart because I ALWAYS lose pieces of paper from my pants pocket there, I swear. I usually lose my shopping list. ANYWAY, the package was from Alicia and it made me so happy... when I saw it was from her box number on the package (she didn't put her name on it) I got very excited. She sent me some cute little things, a mix CD with some lolzy stuff on it, and, yeah, AND Annie's. I'm so excited to eat them. Too excited even.
I went to my Microbiology lecture and was astonished to see about 1/4 of the class show up. I feel like I could prolly get away with not going to lectures, but I feel like I should, especially since I always do. An hour later I went to my Pollutants discussion which was a big waste of my time, and probably will always be a big waste of my time. Apparently if I don't show up to them (they're not mandatory), the TA won't help me near the end of the semester if I have questions. She's acting like a child. Sorry ma'am, but the discussions are boring ESPECIALLY WHEN NO ONE DOES THE READING SO WHY GO? Grrr.
The plan was to run home after my discussion and run to the beach, but I called Jesse and he said he and Greg were still food shopping, so I had plenty of time. I always put sunscreen on at home before going to the beach, and I used my spray on sunscreen for my whole body this time and it was so incredibly fast and easy (we'll see in the morning if I missed any spots). I bought it for getting my back, but I prefer it to the usual cream, especially since it's a lot less messy. This was a boring paragraph.
Greg, Jesse and I went to the beach with our neighbor and friend Connor (he's from Darwin) who drove us in our RA's car. Don't worry mum! Connor's a good driver! (He's not from MA.) The best part of going to the beach was we ALL wore our speedos. It was the gayest thing ever, but so, so good. But boy, did we look good. So, so good. Pretty sure the 17 year old girls couldn't keep their eyes off us.
We spent most of the time playing in the water with the vortex football. Good stuff. We then made a silly little sand castle and took inappropriate photos in our speedos. AWESOME TIMES.

That's me, Jesse, Connor & Greg!
It was one of my favorite beach visits so far. So so good (like us in our speedos!). I made myself go for a run and ended up going much further than originally planned (40 minutes). I almost kinda got lost but I sorta kinda knew where I was going. It felt good though and I hope to keep up the running. I won't be running at all for 10 while on my trip, but I hope to pick it right back up and get back in shape. Jesse ran 7.1 miles today in 51 minutes (that's just over 7 minutes a mile for 7 miles) which is ridiculous. Always has to show me up!
I'm getting incredibly tan but I'm still working on my speedo tan. My face and hands (weird!) are really tan but the underside of my arms and my legs are not. I'll be quite orange when I come home in June!
Monday: 7.5
Tuesday (Today): 8.5
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