On Tuesday I had a lecture in the late morning which was one of those lectures I probably could have missed, and then a discussion after lunch. I'm not quite sure how many people are supposed to be in my discussion, maybe 15 to 20, but I was one 5 people. Yeah, 5 people showed up. Not only was this pathetic, but the discussion we had was boring as hell. I'm still not convinced my TA knows as much as she should given the topic matter. I talked to one of the kids who showed up at the discussion a few days afterward, and he encouraged me to keep going to them even if they aren't helpful because it looks good on my record and might help my grade at the end, even though the discussions are not compulsory.
I think I tried getting some work done in the afternoon, before meeting up at 4:30 to play Australian Rules Football (footy). A bunch of Americans and my Swedish friend Maddy met and walked down to the field, which is a beautiful complex, to have an introductory session on the sport. Let me just say this: there is a reason why footy hasn't gained a foothold in any other country. Why? It's as lame as FDR's legs. Yeah yeah, it's different and I should appreciate it, but it's stupid. It takes rugby and makes it stupid. Rugby I understand. Footy I don't. When passing the ball, you can't throw it. You have to punch it underhand style. It's almost like you're trying to serve a badminton in your backyard. It hurts your hand and it's inefficient. Throwing it rugby style makes so much more sense. I didn't enjoy my time at all and was uncomfortable most of the time despite my efforts to enjoy myself. I was going to go on Thursday but I didn't end up doing so.
On Wednesday I was ready to whip through my classes and lab and work all afternoon and do blogs and such. I didn't. I ended up playing soccer instead. Greg wrote on my Facebook wall he was going to go play with a friend, so I tagged along. We turned up at a social team's practice under the lights (which was really cool). It was actually more like a conditioning session... which sucked. It sucked even more because my tailbone started hurting as I was passing the ball around before we started. My tailbone hurt more and more through out the session. After we did a lot of conditioning (which wasn't all that horrible), we finally got a game going.
At this point, my tail bone really hurt and I couldn't run a lot. We were also using TINY goals with goalies which kinda took the fun out of it. Nonetheless, I did manage to score the only two goals of the game before I had to leave. Granted they were kinda scrap goals, but they were good nonetheless. I was proud. On the second goal, Greg beat like 3 kids before passing the ball into the middle, which I got on a deflection and tucked it under the goalie as he took me out. I did a super man dive over him and probably screwed up my back even more, because it hurt like a bitch in the morning.
I woke up wicked sore. I almost considered skipping my only lecture because my tailbone hurt so badly, but I went anyway. The lecture was boring. Oh well. I went into the library for a little while after and finished my lab report for Wednesday's lab and handed it in. After coming back to my room and having lunch (I made these FANTASTIC garlic toast grilled cheese sandwiches), Connor and I went to the library to get some work done. Unfortunately because this kid in my group wanted to pull the paper we're working on together, I didn't have much to do. As a result, we didn't stay that long in the library. Speaking of my paper, I've been given sparse updates on it even though I was told I would be frequently updates. Additionally, it looks like I have to do more work than I was told because one of my partners isn't getting it together as well as he would have liked. Bollocks.
Walking back from the library, I asked Connor if he wanted to go to Freo with me to get some flip flops because I needed a better pair than the one I got on my Northwest trip (my previous pair broke which sucked!). Connor told me yeah he'd go and drive me, but we could go to Kardinya because there was a surf shop there. We went in and didn't see anything worth getting, so he brought me to this shopping mall. As we were getting there, my RA whose car Connor was driving called and said she needed to go to work and thus needed the car. As we turned around, she called back saying nevermind, allowing us to go into the mall.
The mall was pretty cool and had a lot of fun stores in there. Connor and I went into a surf shop with more than three times the selection of flip flops than the previous store did. I got a really fun pair of Quicksilver flip flops for $20 and was very satisfied. From there we went into this other store and poked through really cheap shirts, finding it hard to figure out if they were women's or men's shirts. They were all kinda silly nonetheless, so we didn't get any but Connor bought me a cool pair of suspenders which made me happy.
We then went into a Coles in the mall and bought some food and supplies for dinner, which we excitedly planned on the way to the supermarket. We planned on making kangaroo meat pies (made out of the metal muffin tin Connor has). After Coles we stopped by Kmart because Connor needed socks and underwear. We also bought Jesse a thong because he jokingly said he needed a man thong in addition to the pasta sauce we got him. The drive home was really fun too. The whole shopping experience with Connor was a blast: it took us more than four hours to get my flip flops. Apparently we got sidetracked. Haha. One of our friends even called us to make sure we were okay because we were gone for so long.

Connor and I then went right to work on making our kangaroo meat pies. We used ground roo which we fried up, and to which we added frozen vegetables, garlic, BBQ sauce, and bread. Putting the pie crusts carefully into the muffin tin was a real chore and took forever, but it was still really fun nonetheless. I really enjoy cooking with other people, so it was a real treat! We listened to a lot of cool tunes in the process. (And no, Alicia--Connor and I are not developing a bromance.)

Thursday all in all was incredibly fun. Flip flop shopping adventures apparently are a great way to spend an afternoon. I also need to cook with others more often!
Tuesday: 7
Wednesday: 7.5
Thursday: 9.5
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