I sat next to my friend Tim in Microbiology lecture on Tuesday. Tim and his friend Mitch work across the bench from my (CIEE) friend Allie and I. Tim and I should not be allowed to sit next to each other in lecture, because we are extremely inappropriate, giggly, and don't pay as much attention to the lecture as we would sitting by ourselves. However, it's not our fault our (current) female professor makes a lot of comments that could be construed as sexual innuendos. Plus, both Tim and Mitch are 2 years younger than me (as is Connor) so it's much easier to be immature with them. That said, it's a riot talking to those two and it's made both Microbiology lectures this week a lot of fun.

In the later afternoon, I went for a short run but didn't got very far or fast because I pulled my lower back/right hip really badly last week. I need to a) stop being sick so I can run for continuous stretches of time b) set aside time for proper stretching and minor conditioning and c) keep up with the running and building up time and distance. However, as of today, Wednesday, I still have a cough here and there and my chest hurts a bit when I run. It's a pain in the ass. The past few days my cough has been terrible.
After a dinner of potatoes, ground kangaroo, BBQ sauce, and garlic in puff pastry, Connor and I went to the library to do a bit of studying. As Connor was still eating and I had eaten way too much, I wanted for him to finish and my stomach to settle before venturing to the library. Jesse met us a little while later. Too bad the damn library closes at 10:30 (it closes at midnight at Clark) and the 24-hour study area is pretty small and filled with computers on all the tables, which people generally want to use. This meant the three of us didn't get much studying in. I might start using one of the study designated flats in the village. I've only walked past one of them and the tables are TINY and I like to spread my stuff out while studying!
I went to bed a little late to be waking up when I did (only 9am). I did my laundry as quickly as I could and hung it out to try with only a few minutes to spare before my lecture. As a result, I quickly ate some poorly made toast (burned because the toaster was being a prostitute) and some lame chai (my last two cups of chai have been rushed! Gah!!). This chai then spilled a bit on my labcoat in my bag, which was weird because I drank the entire thing before putting it in my bag at the end of lecture. The chai stain mostly came out when I hand washed it this evening.
Today's first lecture was Microbiology again, and Tim, myself, Mitch, and Allie all sat in a line. It was another lecture filled with fun commentary between Tim and I. Win. I had my second Pollutants lecture of the week which I am slowly enjoying more and more. I swear by the end of the unit I'm going to have a much better diet because of all the stuff we're learning in that class. Granted I think my professor is a little eccentric, but I already want to eat better so it'll be more motivation. I'm going to return to being a full vegetarian back in the states, since the extreme exception of kangaroo won't be available.
After a hasty lunch, I ran off to Microbiology prelab. The lecturer from the past two lectures gave us our prelab lecture which went on for too long, which in addition to our already long lab had me out just til 5 (and I'm usually out by 3:30 or 4). In the lab I got to work with Allie, Tim and Mitch which was a lot of fun. Apparently we joke around too much for Allie, but she's an awesome sport about it!
After getting back from my late lab, I went out for a run which was even slower today because my hip was rather tender. At the end of it my knee was hurting too. I'm falling apart! But I'm determined to keep my fitness up and get into the swing of staying in shape. I'm excited for it! =) After my run I quickly jumped in the pool with Connor to cool off (which makes my stretching after running a lot easier since I'm not drenched in sweat) and showered. I finished my laundry (took it in off the deck where it was drying and hung it up) and did a few housekeeping things and here I am! It's been a good past few days. Gonna be a long next 7 days though!

Tuesday: 7.5
Wednesday: 7.5
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