Wednesday, May 19, 2010

LOL Them Noodlez Sound Lame

I started off my easy day, Tuesday, with a bit of studying in the library before my lecture. I started studying for my Plant Diversity lab prac (which is on Friday, June 4th) and realized I was really uncomfortable going over my labs. Plant Diversity actually wants to give me panic attacks. Not effing cool. After my short lecture (during which I took very few notes), I went back to my room, made 3 poorly made grilled cheeses (because I didn't feel like putting much effort into them) and ate and planned out some studying. I then went or a short run. It had to be a little shorter because 1) some jerks closed off the sidewalks I usually run on on part of my route, and 2) I had to get in and out of the shower before dinner last night.

All of us CIEE kids met down at a pub for dinner with our program director as a send off dinner (even though finals haven't even come up yet). I didn't have as great of a time as I was hoping. I was disappointed.

Number one, I didn't end up sitting with the kids I was hoping to catch up with because they came later after I was already sitting with Greg and Jesse (who I took the bus in with) and a few others.

Number two, neither the mango beer or cider I got (fo' free!) didn't do anything for me. I usually love cider, but I gave away both drinks with only a fourth or so consumed. Bummer.

Number three, while I was very gracious for dinner (even though Paul, our director didn't think I was), the choices were limited. Guess what? I got calamari (which ended up being the biggest dish) and chips. Yeah, I know how much I hate meat (especially seafood) but the spicy noodles sounded (and ended up being) really lame.

Number four, as much as I didn't want to, I was sorta stressing about my friend Alicia traveling to Luxembourg the whole time, because she hadn't gotten there by the time I had left (which was sort of expected anyway). The joke was on me though, because even though I stressed about it she didn't e-mail me until I had already gone to bed. Oh well.

Tuesday: 5

Today was a much better day though. I woke up a little late unfortunately, but had time to leisurely have a short breakfast and get ready for lecture. My first lecture wasn't very helpful and I didn't take many notes at all. However, the lecture slides will be helpful when I study for the final... so I didn't really need to go anyway. Oh well. My next lecture with my eccentric professor was started off with a short magic show presented by the eccentric professor himself. It was lolsy. I was touched when the professor told us all we should take his next course next fall, except for me because I was only here for the semester (see! He remembers me!!). We had a nice chat after class/on his way to his next lecture. Good guy.

I then went back to my room for a short lunch before I had to run back out again. On my way in, I ran into Mitch who gave me a copy of the first season of Metalocalypse, which is an animated TV show about a metal band (it's a sort of satire about the ridiculousness of metal bands in general). I collected my crappy experiment from the storage room after leaving my flat and brought it by the lab to be thrown out. While Tim and I were alone in the lab, I started to write a complicated formula which equated to my professor being really awesome, but another professor walked in on me in the act and it wasn't as awesome. I then wrote out on the board what "1337" meant, because that's what my professor Wayne was equal to. To make the first professor feel better, I equated him to being "totez awes lol" which he understood without further explaining (I love both professors so they were true statements).

Tim and I then went off to meet Mitch and Allie to have a lab meeting. We were going to meet in the library but ended up having our meeting on the green in the perfect weather we had today. We got about 15 minutes of work done before it turned into hanging out and talking about inappropriate but funny things (much of the inappropriate things were between Mitch and Tim, not me). Tim then came back to my flat and we talked about a lot of things, such as when we're going to hang out over study break (because said hanging out needs to occur before I leave).

After Tim left, I went for a longer run than anticipated but it felt really good so I was happy. I wish there were really close parks I could run in so I didn't have to run next to traffic. I'm fairly certain the exhaust isn't good for my exercise >_>. I then made a massive dinner which I consumed while watching Scrubs (this combination is the best ever). I just now finished a lab report, which I'll print off along with some study guides and then pass in tomorrow.


Wednesday: 7.5

1 comment:

  1. um... I totez e-mailed you as soon as I got the ability to... naht my fault it was during your sleeps. :P
