The weekend, save for Sunday night, kinda sucked. I didn't get much studying done and it was pretty lonely, as everyone had left on trips for study break (Connor and Greg went to Bali with a few other kids). I hoped for rain over the study break so I would get some decent studying done, and well, sure enough, the weather hasn't been that great.
Thursday: 6
Friday: 6
Saturday: 6
On Sunday night, Jesse and I set aside time to have a few mixed drinks which was a nice change to the monotonous and quiet weekend. We made dinner and watched a bunch of South Park episodes online, which was great. However, the more and more I watch some SP episodes the less I enjoy them. :-\
Sunday: 7
Monday was a quiet day but I got some good studying done. :-\
Monday: 6
Tuesday turned out to be a beautiful day. Jesse and I went into Coles to get a few things in the early afternoon and relished the beautiful weather: 66°F, slightly breezy, and very sunny. An hour or so later, we went off to footy practice which I thoroughly enjoyed, save for the severe road rash I got on my hip from sliding to make a nice catch. I didn't realize how bad my hip was until we stopped playing.
After a quick dinner and shower, Jesse came up to my flat and we skyped with Alicia for a little while before heading out to Perth for the night. We decided a few weeks ago we wanted to visit Kings Park at night, so we did. I've decided from my pictures I need a tripod, more patience, and a lens wipe (my UV filter is filthy >_>).
Tuesday: 7.5
I studied more on Wednesday, surprise surprise.
Wednesday: 7
It started raining very early in the morning and very hard... and it rained for most of the day. Instead of a steady rain, we get sporadic bursts of downpour. I had intended to go to footy practice and was out the door before it started pouring again. I said screw that and went back inside. Oh, and I studied some more. Awesome.
Thursday: 6
Friday morning I woke up early and got coffee with Paul, the CIEE coordinator, and Jesse which was a lot of fun. I didn't get much studying done though, but oh well. Jesse came over kinda late after he finished editing some film for the night and we watched a few episodes of Family Guy which was fun. But then he lodged himself in my closet and wouldn't come out.
Friday: 7
I slept in this morning pretty late because I was having some fun dreams and then got very little work done. After lunch I thought I'd try to get some work done in the library, so off I went.
...but all I decided was what a GORGEOUS day it was. On my way to the library I decided I wanted to do something outside... like watch a sunset on the docks again! I spent about 25 minutes in the library before I left. I came back and found Jesse and asked him if he wanted to go into Freo with me, and then found Connor too. Everything pretty much came together and within the hour we were on the bus to Freo.
It had been a while since I had hung out with Connor, especially since he had only gotten back from Bali last night. It was definitely good fun, yeah, the three of us. We got some chips (fries) and watched the sunset at the same place I did back in early February.
After we got back, we ordered some pizza from Dominos and watched Titan AE in Connor's flat. Good times. And now I'm tired. Beach tomorrow! THE END.
Saturday: 8
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